Deep Learning Study Group #5 Report

inzva’s introduction to AI programs, Study Group, concluded with 38 graduates who were coming from 18 different universities and of various backgrounds including computer science, biomechanics engineering, industrial engineering, mathematics, physics, and more!


The fifth edition of our study group was special to us for two reasons:

The first is a bittersweet one as this was our first all-online Study Group due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Though it is a bitter experience as we miss our backyard and coffee breaks with our participants tremendously, it is also a sweet one as we can welcome participants from all over Turkey and guides even from abroad!

As our AI community grows without constrictions occurring due to distance and timing, we are excited to wait for the day we can meet face to face in our sanctuary.

The second one is all about making a shout out to all hardworking and talented women engineers in our AI community as this edition of our study group was led by all-women guides who are among some of the most appreciated role models in our community.

In our community, we have many outstanding women AI researchers who support the active participation of younger AI enthusiasts, and this edition aimed to showcase what we always see to the rest of the world.

As we were stuck in quarantine for good reasons for sure, our Saturdays were spent as productive and interactive as possible in weekly Zoom sessions, where we took a half-day to discuss everything deep learning-related including but not limited to optimizers, CNNs, RNNs, and sequence models. After every course, we had a small evaluation test to see how far we have come with our discussions.

As per the tradition, we will be starting the next batch of our Study Group in mid-February, do not forget to apply here until February 8!

inzva is supported by BEV Foundation, an education foundation for the digital native generation which aims to build communities that foster peer-learning and encourage mastery through one-to-one mentorship.

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