AI Projects #8 FAQ


  • When and where is the AI Projects?

The AI Projects is designed to consist of 12-week batches. While we used to meet up in our physical space at Beykoz Kundura, now we get together in virtual environments to continue our program. 

  • How will I know whether I am accepted or not?

We will notify you individually, notwithstanding the result. Please remember to regularly check your emails during this period.


  • What are the technical requirements for applicants?

You need to have at least a decent level of AI experience or familiarity to participate in this program due to the high level of expertise necessary to fully develop a project. By applying to AI Projects, you undertake that you have the required skills to actively take part in a team. 

If you are new to studying Machine Learning, please feel free to check out our study groups. 

  • I do not reside in Istanbul. Can I still join? 

Yes! It is even easier to do so since we all went online in these times. 

  • Can I join if I am not a member of the inzva community?

This batch will be available for participants who have graduated from at least one inzva AI program. Stay tuned for the next batch!

  • Will we get together physically?

If the pandemic allows, we will have optional sleepovers in our dreamy space within Beykoz Kundura.

  • What if I do not have a team?

That’s perfectly fine! We will be divided into teams and choose our projects in the first or second meetup. You can come together with your own teammates or just by yourself. Please remember that even if you come as a team, there will be other people who may be participating in the same project that you do. Each team will consist of a maximum of 4 members to increase the productivity of the whole process.

  • Will the language spoken during the program be English?

Sadly, not this time. :(


  • How do I propose a project?

You can bring your own project idea or design one during the program with your teammates. Please make sure to bring a project idea, an academic paper, or at least a general topic that you are interested in, to the first meetup in which we will decide on the project topics and teams. Since we are working with a time limit, we encourage you to find a project (or better a paper) with available code and data; we will send you a spreadsheet that you can write your proposed ideas upon acceptance.

Other than your chosen project idea, you can also propose to work on an academic paper on any subject involving AI and machine learning (Our research domains include but are not limited to: computer vision, natural language processing, reinforcement learning, audio processing, time series classification and forecasting, and multi-agent systems.). If you are working for a company, please refrain from offering a project in which you are involved in the company. After teams are formed, tasks will then be divided among the teammates. 

Other than the final presentations, we expect you to create a Github repository that will be licensed by MIT License. This repository needs to be kept updated during all stages of the project for everyone to see the process.

  • What are the standards for the project proposals?

Even though we encourage you to go wild and play with some ideas, we need to make sure that the projects are subjected to certain standards so that they can be fulfilled. The projects should be designed in such a way that they can be concluded within the given time period and by using our existing computing power (inzva’s GPU hardware). We recommend you find an academic paper with available code and data. This way you can easily reproduce and try to improve the project you are working on in 12-weeks time. You may also target a workshop challenge or an idea that would result in a paper. We strongly encourage our participants to submit their research to relevant workshops to have the best outcome possible for their portfolio.

  • What if I cannot finish the project in the given time period?

Though we understand that concluding a project sometimes proves to be impossible due to various reasons, we will evaluate whether everyone in the team did their best to progress. If you could not conclude the project, you will still be obliged to make a brief presentation that covers your thought process.

If you could not conclude a project due to a failure of sparing the conditioned effort and/or time, please remember that inzva reserves the right to review the participants’ applications accordingly for future events. 

  • Could you provide me with more details regarding the final presentations? 

We expect you to deliver a final presentation of your project, whether it is concluded or not. If your project is concluded, your presentation will cover your thought process, workflow and outcomes. If not, it will cover the thought process as well as things that went wrong in various stages of your project progress. We will also give you a template to work on so that you will not have to design it from scratch. You can check our previous AI Projects for Social Good showcase here to get more information.

  • Are the projects subjected to any kind of software license?

We generally opt to use MIT license here at inzva. If the project group proposes to be subjected to anything else, they are free to ask for the approval of inzva AI team. Otherwise, all projects will be subjected to MIT license. Moreover, you are encouraged to always keep global principles of ethical and legal standards in mind while working on a project, since teams bear all the responsibility for any legal issue that may arise in relation to their work. 

  • Is your question not on the list?

Please write to us at 

All participants have to abide by our CODE OF CONDUCT  and LETTER OF CONSENT

A  BEV Foundation project inzva is a non-profit hacker community organizing study and project groups as well as camps in the fields of AI and Algorithm; and gathering CS students, academics, and professionals in Turkey.

Follow us on our social media accounts to have the most recent news about our upcoming events and programs!