Turkish Programming Contest 2019
inzva is organizing the official ‘Turkish Programming Contest’ ; which will be held on September 13-15, 2019 at Beykoz Kundura in Istanbul. This first-of-its-kind event is a multi-tier, team-based programming competition that will be operated under the auspices of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (“ICPC”), and partnered with Middle East Technical University in collaboration with algotester.com.
inzva invites university teams across Turkey to participate in the national contest in Istanbul, completely free of charge. The top ten teams qualifying in this contest can then participate in the Southeastern Europe Regional Contest (‘‘SEERC’’) held in Bucharest on October 18 to 20, and will be financially supported for this purpose. The winner teams of the Southeastern Europe Regional Contest are eligible to participate in the ICPC World Finals 2020 organized by Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
The objects of the Turkish Programming Contest are as follows:
By encouraging algorithmic, analytical and productive thinking; elevating talented computer engineers’ skill-sets that they will use in their professional and academic careers; such as teamwork, solving various problems and working with time limitations.
By enabling the best ten (10) student teams each year to get into the Southeastern Europe Regional Contest by sponsoring them; therefore supporting local teams and helping to represent the country in the region.
Building and giving voice to the community of programmers in Turkey as well as developing the technical skills of university students.
Establishing international friendships and networks to promote fair competition.
Promoting this mind sport to increase the quality of the competitive environment in Turkey.
ICPC World Finals 2018 - Beijing, China
Department of Computer Engineering
Middle East Technical University
Lviv University / Gold medal winner at ICPC World Finals 2008
Ahmet Soran - Computer Engineering Department of Abdullah Gül University
Atilla Gürsoy - Computer Engineering Department of Koç University
Fatma Başak Aydemir - Computer Engineering Department of Boğaziçi University
Ercüment Çiçek - Computer Engineering Department of Bilkent University
Hamdi Dibeklioğlu - Computer Engineering Department of Bilkent University
Mehmet Tan - Computer Engineering Department of TOBB University
Öznur Özkasap - Computer Engineering Department of Koç University
Pınar Karagöz - Computer Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University
Reyyan Ayfer - Computer Engineering Department of Bilkent University
Suzan Üsküdarlı - Computer Engineering Department of Boğaziçi University
Yusuf Hakan Kalaycı - Computer Science Department of University of Southern California
Prof. Dr. Tolga Can - Department of Computer Engineering Middle East Technical University - Head of Judge Team
Vasyl Biletskyy - Lviv University / Gold medal winner at ICPC World Finals 2008
Prof. Dr. Pınar Karagöz - Department of Computer Engineering Middle East Technical University
Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakkı Toroslu - Department of Computer Engineering Middle East Technical University
Andrii Makar - Ivan Franko National University of Lviv 1st place at SEERC 2016, 30th place at ICPC World Finals 2017, 18th place at ICPC World Finals 2018
Vitaliy Herasymiv - Lviv National University 1st place at SEERC 2014, 2nd in 2015, 17th place at ICPC World Finals 2015, Bronze medal at ICPC World Finals 2016
Ievgenii Zasoba - Lviv Polytechnic National University
Registration period is closed. Good luck to all teams.

The top ten teams qualifying in this contest can then participate in the Southeastern Europe Regional Contest (‘‘SEERC’’) held in Bucharest on October 18 to 20, and will be covering the transportation and accommodation expenses for this purpose.
Frequently AskeD Questions
See the FAQ here.
Participation must be in teams of two or three students from the same university which must be located in Turkey.
Each team member must provide their student card or a recent student transcript that show their dates of study, and must be born in 1996 or later.
The teams must register online in order to participate.
The teams are obligated to have a coach. The coach must be from the same university as the team and cannot be one of the contestants. He/she can be a master's student or teacher. The coach will be the primary contact of inzva before the contest.
If the team decides to change/remove team members, they must notify the The General Chair of Competition.
The participants must use one programming machine per team, which will be provided by inzva. All other electronics are strictly forbidden, and mobile devices will be collected before the contest.
Studying material such as paper and pen will be provided; contestants do not have to bring these items. Teams are allowed to bring one printed English dictionary per team.
During the contest, contestants are only allowed to access contest environment.
The contestants must wear their Turkish Programming Contest t-shirts during the contest.
The contestants are not allowed to look at or discuss the problem sets before the start of the 5-hour contest.
Any inappropriate disruptive behaviour and unauthorized modification of the contest area will lead to disqualification.
Teams or members who fail to follow the rules will be disqualified.
All team members must follow the schedule and provide full participation. The contest will follow the official ICPC rules. Please read the details on https://icpc.baylor.edu/regionals/rules for more detailed information on the rules we follow.
We are only able to invite 56 teams as we have a limit when it comes to accommodation, workstations and other needs for the contest.
All rights regarding chances before, during and after the contest are reserved to BEV.Foundation
Friday, September 13, 2019
04.00 - 06.00 PM Arrival at inzva and Teams Registration
06.00 - 08.00 PM Opening Ceremony
08.00 - 10.00 PM Turkish Programming Contest Welcome Dinner
Saturday, September 14, 2019
08.00 - 09.00 AM Breakfast at Beykoz Kundura
09.00 - 09.45 AM Opening Ceremony
10.00 - 11.30 AM Teams Photo Shootout
11.30 - 12.00 AM Coffee Break
12.00 - 06.00 PM Technical Session
07.00 - 09.00 PM Dinner
Sunday, September 15, 2019
08.00 - 08.45 AM Breakfast
09.00 - 09.15 AM Arrival at Contest Area(Beykoz Kundura)
10.00 - 03.00 PM Turkish Programming Contest 2019 (5 hours)
04.00 - 05.30 PM Awards and Closing Ceremony
Turkish Programming Contest 2019 will be held on September 13-15, 2019 at Beykoz Kundura in Istanbul.
Located inside a historical factory building, we offer a quiet, peaceful and inspiring environment for all community members to work, stay and socialise.
We are located exactly here = 41.141310, 29.078505
If you have any questions, please feel free to send an email to contact@inzva.com.
All participants have to abide by our CODE OF CONDUCT.
Good luck and have fun!