Algorithm Competition Winter Camp 2024
As we bid farewell to the challenges of the 6th Winter Camp, we turn the page to the upcoming Spring semester. We carry with us the lessons we've learned and the bonds we've built during this fascinating chapter as well.
The week-long Winter Camp was a thrilling combination of new acquaintances, building relationships, and numerous exciting activities. Along with navigating through mentally challenging algorithmic obstacles, participants immersed themselves in a week full of inspiration and growth. Looking back on this enlightening experience, we are grateful for the dynamic energy that our diverse community brought to the table, making this Winter Camp an unforgettable journey of learning, teamwork, and most importantly, fun.
347 students applied to the camp. Of those, 222 participants signed up for a 72-hour qualification round and sent a total of 7082 submissions! These numbers mark a significant turning point in the Qualification Rounds history!
We meticulously created a meeting space that brought together fifty participants from seven prestigious universities. One-week algorithmic journey evolved into an enjoyable and collaborative event for all participants with this get-together. Among our participants from Middle East Technical University, Hacettepe University, Bilkent University, Istanbul Technical University, Boğaziçi University, Koç University, and Sabancı University were both community members and new members who were warmly welcomed with open arms by our algorithm community.

Our algorithm team and guides, Berke Dönmez, Melih Akpınar, Murat Biberoğlu, Şura Nur Ertürkmen, Berat Ersarı, Samed Uslu, Ümit Sevinçler, Furkan Cebe, Berkan Eti, Serhat Gündem, Ömer Faruk Özkan and Hüseyin Burak Gürdal have prepared a curriculum for the entire camp for three levels; foundation, intermediate and advanced. Over the course of the camp, our dedicated guides delivered insightful lectures and crafted numerous challenging questions for our participants to work on. They offered invaluable support that went above and beyond the role of assistance during this algorithmic journey, turning it into a motivating and encouraging endeavor.
Winter Camp 2024 took place at the prestigious Beykoz Kundura from January 22 to 28. Despite the chilly weather, the camp offered a variety of activities. Among them, we carried on our custom of hosting competitions in Wordle, chess, and table tennis, bringing a little bit of familiar and cherished competition to the occasion. Also we had an outstanding Martial Art class at Red Corner. Adnan Erzen made the lesson both informative and enjoyable.

As part of our longstanding tradition, we conducted a session with members of our algorithm community, namely Ömer Faruk Özkan, Melih Akpınar, Şura Nur Ertürkmen, Berat Ersarı, and Ahmet Furkan Kavraz about their past interview experiences. Thanks to this session, our algorithm enthusiasts had the wonderful chance to learn more about company interviews and the various types of algorithm challenges that are frequently asked. In order to help the participants better comprehend and get ready for future chances, we also set aside time to evaluate the resumes of some of the participants.
"It was a very nice and friendly organization with competent people working in the background. I contributed a lot to both myself and others. I couldn't have spent my week better."
Enes Çakıl Hacettepe University, Computer Engineering, Participant of Winter Camp’24
After a week of preparation and practice, the long-awaited day finally arrived. Excitement was in the air from the start of the day, setting the scene for the final contest. Our camp awards are sponsored by Levi's. Thanks to Levi's for their support.
Here are the top coders of inzva Algorithm Winter Camp 2024!
Foundation Group
Following the fierce final contest, the winning team "Code of Conduct", İsmail Talaz and Arda Ege Erdoğan, solved 6/7 questions. Elif Zümra Yıldırım participated individually and achieved the second rank by successfully solving 5/7 questions. You can check the leaderboard here.

Intermediate Group
In the intermediate group, the winning team "Penguen44", Emir Tomrukçu and Ahmet Furkan Güngör, solved 5/7 questions. Mehmet Akif Şahin and Abdul Rafey Khan, “Dynamic brogrammers”, came in second by solving 4/7 questions. You can check the leaderboard here.

Advanced Group
Individual competition was held in the advanced group, and the results were impressive. Enes Çakıl emerged as the top-scoring winner, solving 5/7 questions. He was closely followed by Ramazan İlker Ateş, who solved 4/7 questions. Altay Kılıç achieved third place, exhibiting excellent performance throughout the entire competition and solving 4/7 questions. You can check out the leaderboard here.

All participants of this camp are now a part of the inzva algorithm community, and became inzva Algorithm Competition Winter Camp 2024 Alumni.
Hope to reunite in Algorithm Competition Summer Camp 2024!
All participants have to abide by our CODE OF CONDUCT and LETTER OF CONSENT.
A BEV Foundation project inzva is a non-profit hacker community organizing study and project groups as well as camps in the fields of AI and Algorithm; and gathering CS students, academics, and professionals in Turkey.
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