Online Programming Contest 2024

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is the Online Programming Contest for Universities?

A: The Online Programming Contest for Universities (OPC) is an annual team-based competition for undergraduate students across Turkey, organized by algoleague. Teams of three will solve programming challenges in a two-round format: an online Qualification Round on November 17, and the top 10 teams will compete in the in-person Final Round in Istanbul on November 30.

Q: What should be our programming language skill level? How hard will the problems be?

A: The contest will include algorithm problems of all levels. You can join the contest to test yourself and your team notwithstanding your algorithmic skills. The important thing is not the competition itself but it is the collaboration between the team members. We would like to see all future participants in the contest.  

Q: Are the solutions to the problems going to be shared?

A: We strongly believe that the participants should try to solve the problems and thus, improve, question, and challenge both themselves and their codes :). Therefore, we won’t be sharing the solutions as it also requires a lot of effort and time to prepare original problems such as the ones that will be used in the OPC. 

Q: Can every team member submit a solution from their own accounts for the problems?

A: Yes, each member can submit a solution on behalf of their team. 

Q: Where can I access the rules?

A: You can find the rules on the homepage as well as on the official ICPC website.

Q: Do I need to know English?

A: All the questions of the contest will be written in English. 

Q: How much will the event cost for the participants?

A: All the inzva events are completely free of charge.

Q: What is inzva Code of Conduct and why do participants have to abide by it?

A: inzva Code of Conduct is an agreement between the participants and inzva. As inzva, we want to provide a peaceful environment and a harassment-free coding experience to all participants. 

You agree to the Code of Conduct by applying to the contest.



Q: We want to apply as a team, what are the requirements?

A: When applying as a team: 

  • The team members must be studying at the same university in Turkey.

  • Participation must be in teams of three students.

  • The team members must be undergraduate students.

  • In order to participate, teams must register online by following the “Registration” steps.

Q: What will happen after we register as a team?

A: The contest manager will either accept or reject the request according to the result of whether your team is eligible or not.

Q: I am a master’s student. Can I still join?

A:  Unfortunately, this contest is only open to undergraduate students.

Q: Do all the team members need to be from the same university?

A: Yes, this is a requirement. If you are not from the same university, your registration will not be approved by the inzva team.

Q: Can I join even if I am not a university student?

A: Unfortunately, only university-affiliated students can join as part of a university team.

Q: Can I join even if I am under 18?

A: Yes, but you must be enrolled in a university degree program.

Q: I missed the deadline for applications. Can I still join?

A: Unfortunately, we do not accept any late applications.

Q: I work for a company. Can I join?

A:  No, this contest is exclusively for university teams based in Turkey.

Q: Can university teams from outside of Turkey join?

A:  No, this contest is exclusively for university teams based in Turkey.

Q: I can not find my university on the “University/High School'' list on algoleague. What should I do? 

A: If your university is not on the list, please contact

Q: A student in our team has recently registered to the university but cannot receive a student document since they are yet to select a course. Can they use the document received from e-devlet for application?

A: Yes, a document received from e-devlet will be sufficient.

Q: I represented my country and received a medal in the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI). Since I have a national medal, I am allowed to apply to any university in Turkey thanks to the right granted by TUBITAK. I sent the necessary documents to TUBITAK but am yet to be registered. Can I apply to the contest with a document proving my national medal and my university registration certificate?

A: Yes, you can apply.


Q: How are the winners selected?

A: Winners are selected through a two-round process. After the online Qualification Round on November 17, teams' scores on the leaderboard are reviewed following a plagiarism check, and the top 10 teams advance to the Final Round in Istanbul on November 30. After the Final Round, the winners are determined through the same process: leaderboard scores followed by a plagiarism check.


Q: Who should I contact if I encounter technical problems on algoleague?

A: For questions related to algoleague, please check out the help page here. If your questions are still not answered, then you can send an email to

All participants have to abide by our CODE OF CONDUCT and LETTER OF CONSENT.

A  BEV.Foundation project inzva is a non-profit hacker community organizing study and project groups as well as camps in the fields of AI and Algorithm; and gathering CS students, academics and professionals in Turkey.

Follow us on our social media accounts to have the most recent news about our upcoming events and programs!