Algorithm Program 2024-2025 Fall
Since its launch in 2018, our annual Algorithm Program has consistently been an eagerly awaited event. We are thrilled to announce its return this year! The program presents students with a unique opportunity to delve into the complexities of algorithms, fostering a comprehensive understanding and practical application.
The Algorithm Program is a unique experience for algorithm enthusiasts who want to improve themselves in the field. It is designed as a two-semester journey, eight weeks each. There are two groups in the program depending on the level of the participants, each having their own curriculum. Through weekly lectures and contests, participants will dive further into the fascinating world of algorithms and improve themselves.
The program will be carried out in 8 weeks to be chosen between 5 October and 30 November. Our program, which is generally held on Saturdays, can also be moved to weekdays or Sundays at times, depending on the exams of the participants and the algorithm competitions of the universities.
The program takes place at Taksim, Istanbul, Turkey.
Between August 27 and September 21, until 17.00.
The results will be announced on September 27.
Who are undergraduate students or who are studying higher education in İstanbul.
Who are eager to learn about and practice algorithms, including, but not limited to, binary search, graphs, dynamic programming, and more.
Who have knowledge of at least one programming language.
Who understand Turkish,
Weekly lectures,
Contests and problem-solving sessions,
Extracurricular activities, and more.
To teach a sound knowledge of algorithms to algorithm enthusiasts,
To spread algorithmic thinking,
To grow the algorithm community in its technical capacity, and
To provide training that will help university students in competitive programming contests, as well as in their professional lives.

We believe the primary advantage lies in the opportunity to be surrounded by motivated participants and our Algorithm community. The program is anticipated to provide participants with several additional benefits, including:
Receiving knowledge and personal experience from successful students in the field,
Having practiced with challenging problems,
Assessing knowledge through the contest results,
Coding and problem-solving more efficiently,
Advanced knowledge of data structures and algorithms,
Motivation to improve knowledge on a subject,
Learning critical thinking,
Technical adequacy and preparation for interviews,
Joining inzva Algorithm community,
Having a chance to become a lecturer/problem setter for further inzva Algorithm events.
Habil Çoban Yıldız Technical University, Computer Engineering, Participant of Algorithm Program 2023-2024 Spring
“My time at inzva was great. The environment was welcoming, and the instructors were knowledgeable and friendly. The participants approached questions with different methods, and there was so much to learn from everyone. It’s rare to find such a wealth of information and a supportive environment in one place. I'm grateful to have joined the Inzva ecosystem and to be a part of it. Thank you to everyone who participated in the program and helped organize it.”
The Qualification Round will be held between September 22, 12.00 and September 23, 00.00 (12hrs) on algoleague. Thus, please create an account before the Qualification Round starts. We will send all the necessary information by e-mail before the contest.
Please note that plagiarism will result in disqualification and a possible ban from future events.
A limited number of participants will be accepted to the program. The Qualification Round will be an important criteria for the selection process. In addition to the Qualification Round results, motivation for the program will be considered in the selection process.
If you wish to prepare for the Qualification Round, you can practice with the problems of all levels on algoleague:
Algorithm Training Beginner Set
Algorithm Training Intermediate Set
Algorithm Training Set Dynamic Programming#1
Algorithm Training Set: Graph#1
Algorithm Training Set: Data Structures#1
We also suggest two free open source materials for you to get prepared:
Algorithm Program Bundles & Previous Qualification Round Problems (“All Contests List”):
Competitive Programmers Handbook:
You can check out the draft curriculum here.
The documents mentioned above can be updated before the program.
The program will be a total of 8 weeks consisting of 6 lecture weeks, and 2 contest weeks.
The schedule of a typical lecture day is as follows:
10:00 - 10:50 Lecture
10:50 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 11:50 Lecture
11:50 - 12:10 Break
12:10 - 13:00 Lecture
13:00 - 13.40 Lunch
13:40 - 14:30 Lecture
14:30 - 17:00 Social Activities
Under the guidance of our lecturers, the participants will learn and discuss the topics of the week. The lectures will be held in Turkish.
The schedule of a typical Contest Day is as follows:
10:00 - 12:00 Contest
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 14:30 Lab Hour (to solve and discuss the contest problems)
14:30 - 17:00 Social Activities

The participants will participate in the contests prepared by our experienced community members. The contest problems are prepared in English. The problems will consist of multiple algorithms including the previous week’s topics. After the contest, there will be a problem-solving session (lab hour) in Turkish, which will give participants the opportunity to ask questions related to the contest problems or other topics they need help with.
Aside from the lectures every Saturday, we will also be in touch on inzva’s private Algorithm Discord channel.
Properly answering the questions in the application form,
Consistent attendance to the program,
Being an active participant who is eager to improve themselves and being open to communication,
Following the rules of our community (Check out our Code of Conduct).
Please note that failure to complete these requirements without a good reason will result in your disqualification from the program.
Important Note: It is necessary for participants to attend every week of the program in order to continue the program. Participants who do not follow this requirement will be disqualified*. As all of our lecturers and problem-setters are volunteers, and the program is held by a great community effort, thus, we want to make sure that these efforts are valued and respected.
*For example, if a participant doesn’t attend a lecture without any explanation, they will not be invited to the next lecture.
All participants are expected to know at least one programming language well: C, C++, Python, or Java is preferred. Participants must prepare their programming environment (computer, IDE, compiler, etc.). All practices will run on algoleague. Please create an account before the Qualification Round begins.
If you want to support the community as a lecturer/problem setter and get a scholarship from BEV Foundation for your effort, please contact us by sending an email to with the subject “Being a lecturer/problem setter for inzva events”.
Note: BEV Foundation reserves the right to change or modify any of the conduct, design, and rules of the program at any time and in BEV Foundation’s sole discretion.
Please fill out this form until September 21, 17:00.
All participants have to abide by our CODE OF CONDUCT and LETTER OF CONSENT.
A BEV.Foundation project inzva is a non-profit hacker community organizing study and project groups as well as camps in the fields of AI and Algorithm; and gathering CS students, academics, and professionals in Turkey.
All personal data you shared in this form will solely be used to determine the participants of the event and to inform the venue provider, and will be deleted as soon as we carry out our legal obligations. Therefore, by sending this form, you accept having your personal data processed and transferred to third parties that are providing services for the event (i.e. venue and transportation providers).
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